afisa iason

Semi-Independent Accommodation Unit for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees, aged 16-18 years old

The dramatic situation of thousands of unaccompanied minor refugees living in Greece is an important point of concern for our organization. For this reason, Kinoniko EKAV has been operating three unaccompanied minors' shelters in Piraeus, Penteli, and Kozani and two Units of Semi-Independent Accommodation Unit for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees, aged 16-18 years old

Today, 1,746 unaccompanied minors live under adverse conditions on the streets or in inhospitable and unsuitable Refugee Identification Centers. For this reason, Κinoniko EKAV, consistent to its mission, through the implementation of the Project “IASON”, undertook the task to contribute to this dramatic situation. This title was chosen in honor of the mythological hero Iason, who dynamically proceeded to adulthood and took his fate into his own hands, abbot of the Argonaut campaign.

The aim of the project, which is supported by the National Program of Asylum, Immigration and Integration Fund, is to offer unaccompanied minors (aged 16 to 18), an independent form of living, compared to the one in collective accommodation Shelters. By selecting children with a sufficient degree of maturity, the project offers them accommodation in independent apartments with semi-autonomous status. The apartments, located in Athens city center, accommodate 4 minors each. In total, the project “IASON” offers hospitality to 20 teenagers in 5 apartments, while the operation of a second unit of another 5 apartments has already been launched.

The implementation of the project ensures the harmonious development and adulthood of each minor, taking into account the diversity and choices of each one of them. The apartments are framed by a team of social workers, interpreters, carers, a teacher and a legal advisor. The goal of the project "Iason" is the protection, social inclusion and the gradual autonomy of minors, as well as their direct access to education aiming at their gradual insertion in the labor market of the hosting country.

Emphasis is given on learning the Greek and English language and basic ICT skills. The integration of refugee minors within the local and national society, in which they live, is also pursued through the encouragement of participation in local cultural and sports events.


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